400 Calories a day is Healthy Weight Loss?

If you burn 400 calories in a day, how much weight will I lose in a month is a great questions when starting out with weight loss.

Finding out how much weight you’ll lose is a simple formula once you understand how much a pound of fat weighs. 

A pound of fat is the same as 3500 calories. If you want to lose a pound a week, you would need to have a 500 calorie per day deficit. That means “burn” 500 more calories than you need to take in. 

At 400 calories a day this is how it would stack up in a month:

400 x 30 == 12000
(that’s 400 calories per day, times 30 days)

That’s the total calories you would have reduced. Now let’s divide it by 3500 to find out how many pounds you”d lose:

12000/3500 = 3.42 pounds. 

If you reduced by 500 calories per day you’d lose 4 pounds in a month. 

So 500 calories per day is a pound a week?

Exactly.  500 calories burned per day will result in a weight loss of about a pound a week. 

Honestly, 5o0 calories is the MOST you should ever cut from your diet when you’re starting out with weight loss. A lot of people are impatiently starting this way, but if you try to remove 1000 calories (2 pounds a week) from your daily diet you will not be successful.  You may be able to do it for a few days but your willpower will not be able to ignore your body’s demand for food. 

Learn how to lose

I have put together a whole course on the practical process of losing weight. It’s packed with tips and tricks to help you succeed in losing weight by counting your calories. 

I help you understand what’s going on so you can make informed decisions that will help you achieve your goal of weight loss. 

Check it out here!

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