It is important to measure your physical activity while you’re trying to lose weight. If you do a lot of activity you’re going to be more hungry. So you should take that into account when planning your snacks and other meals. 

I do enough activity that I eat around 3000 calories per day, but my goal is 2600 daily. My exercise balances it all out. That’s measured by my step counter that is on my phone. I use google fit to count the steps and MyFitnessPal to give me calories back when the steps get synced.

The below video shows you how to directly use your iPhone to count steps or add a service. You would do this if you are using your iPhone or you have already signed up to google fit. 

The google fit option should be in the list of services on the MyFitnessPal app. It was for me. Very simple to add the Google Play service. 

In Order to add the Google Fit steps on the MyFitnessPal app I went to More>Steps>Add Device and then chose Google Fit. You can see the list of devices at 1:38 in the video.

What happens if you need Google Fit?

Here are the instructions to join Google Fit:

  1. Download the Google Fit App to your phone
  2. Open the app and grant the permissions requested
  3. Watch the below video to make sure that your steps tracking is turned on. You can set a daily goal as well.

That will get the Google Fit app counting your steps. Now, make sure you add it to MyFitnessPal so you can make use of those calories. 

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