Sept 4 2023

I created this website because you can’t tell people how to lose weight. They have to be interested in losing the weight and come to the information on their own.

When I was 20 I was 230 pounds and wore 36 – 40 inch pants depending on the time of year. Even though I went to the gym 3 times a week I did not understand how to lose weight. It wasn’t until I understood how important calories were that I was able to actually start to make a difference in my struggle to lose weight. This website is the collection of the information I wish I knew instead of wasting time with unsuccessful weight loss strategies.

But, I refused and still refuse to make any compromises on eating things I don’t like to suit someone else’s idea of what my diet should look like. With the caveat that you have to eat a ‘balanced’ diet, including protein, fruits and vegetables, you should figure out how to eat foods you like for each meal of the day. You should also probably figure out vegetables and fruits you like as well. My favorites are Grapes, Crunchy (not soft) gala apples and carrots if you’re looking for a starting off point.

This page will be filled out further soon! Check back for updates!


Weight Lost: 40lbs


Weight Loss Programs Used

Weight watchers worked for a time, but the habit was easy to fall out of.  It was difficult to “get back on the horse” if you fell off and I feel like it didn’t explain the relationship between the points and the food. Then it got complicated when it introduced some other aspects (the modern program) that totally stalled my progress.

My own lack of knowledge held me back here, but only because I fully relied on weight watchers to set my eating rather than understanding how my eating impacted my weight and how to reduce my diet to yield the desired result.

The first time I did calorie counting there were no apps to do it. I had a pen and paper journal and I did not understand why I was measuring this.  I grew up in the 90s and then as now diets were not well understood by most people and there was an abundance of delicious and cheap food.

It was easy for people to put on weight through overfeeding because finding the calorie counts on meals out  used to be difficult.  

For calorie counting to work you need to

  1. find out how many calories you’re eating weekly by tracking your calories for 7 days
  2. setting your calorie target 500 calories below your 7 day average. So if you’re at 5000 calories you should aim for 4500 per day. 
  3. hit that target all 7 days of the week. every week. until you stop losing weight. 

Once I understood that I was able to reach my weight loss goals. I hope this website helps some people who have been struggling with this problem. 


I went to the gym for years doing cardio and weight machines. I don’t think it helped me achieve my weight loss goals nearly as well as calorie counting with a daily calorie goal.  
It was good to be active and I had a good base of muscle but the real magic started when i started tracking what I was eating more closely. 


Like A PTyradactyle Backing Out of Trouble!

Do you know all of the phrases? I did P90x for long enough that I can do chin-ups but not long enough that I can do one handed pushups. 


I also do NOT like okra. 

I never lost weight on p90x because I didn’t like the food and we didn’t adhere to the p90x diet. But we did those workouts. Every one of them. For a long while. It replaced my gym membership. I wasted time by not investigating food and calories. 

But Tony’s quips were funny.